15 April 2011

Response to hostile Egyptian's criticism

I never claimed that Israel was perfect - unlike Egypt, I suppose? As to massacres - it's pretty easy to itemize the couple of Israeli actions likely to be seen as massacres, while the Arab attacks on children, women, and doctors is so lengthy that nobody could make a list. This is a question of moral balance, not moral perfection. On balance, Israel has been a far more ethical, moral, humanistic, and compassionate nation than have any of the Arab/Persian aggressors. It is the trend that matters, not the deceptions which roll so readily from the tongues of the long-lived aggressor Muslims who have never accepted modern morality and still hold values which have not evolved since the 12'th Century. "The rest of the world" is only the Christian west, brainwashed by the barbarism of Christianity, from which Islam derives. "Christ is peace" was the mantra of Christian warfare throughout Europe and the Middle East. After Arabs attacked Europe and the Christians responded with the Crusades, the Christians taught Islam the motto "conversion or the sword". And Islam has never forgotten that vile notion, though much of Christianity has moved on to more compassionate and tolerant viewpoints. So, yes, much of the west - but nowhere else - is hostile to Judaism and therefore to Israel, not for cogent reasons, but due to the latent antisemitism of 2100 years of Church antisemitic dogma. And of course there is also the huge anti-Israel apparatus of 1.3 billion Muslims, all hostile to Israel because Islamic troglodytes are willing to blow themselves up to capture Israel and retake Andalusia. THAT is where the violence originates, and that is why is is spread. A few regrettable incidents over 130 years of Jews defending themselves - and those incidents deplored by all Jews - hardly compares to the endless travesties of Muslims killing everyone around them, and their Muftis not only refusing to condemn those violent and unjustifiable acts, but actually praising them and often encouraging them - like the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem leading mobs to kill Jews during the 1920's & '30's - THAT is unconscionable. But only if you live in the 20'th century. Or even the 21'st. With much of Islam still glorying in the conquest mentality of the 12'th century, it's easy to see that one wouldn't want to acknowledge the truth. When you MUST believe something or be killed, that's pretty strong encouragement to believe the lies of your society. If you lived in a free, modern society, then you'd be free to examine reality and understand and accept alternative explanations of history which are considerably more accurate than your present perceptions.

I regret, though, that you are probably right. Humans are mostly dumb. There's no question that vile, vicious, and wildly selfish leaders are more likely to arise in the Middle East, and that such people will kill many in their pursuit of their own power and profit. That bodes ill for Israel and for all liberal, modern democracies. There must be a reason that democracy has not ever taken root in the Middle East, despite the system having evolved geographically so close, in Greece. There is something in the culture that prizes greed, violence, and selfishness more than warmth, hospitality, and compassion. While it's a horrible tragedy, sometimes people have to recognize that certain realities are inevitable.

I suppose you could get the UN to repeal the Law of Gravity, just as they continue to pass other messages of idiocy. The hostility of the West, as you put it, largely reflects a basic failure of society - people are dumb, dumb, dumb. That, coupled with the native flaw in democracy - that 57 Muslim nations can always outvote Israel in the UN, whether they are right or wrong, and they are always wrong - leads to a strong and totally unjustified bias in public opinion. The illusion that the UN is a rational and fair institution is achieved because it is democratic. But that perception is horribly flawed, though it does produce the result you love - lots of people blame Israel for Muslim aggressions. An awful lot of people are extremely dumb, like I said.

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