05 January 2009

How Come The UN Didn't Create A Palestinian State?

I recently read a post bemoaning the 'fact' that the UN did not establish a Palestine at the same time they created Israel. That telling, fatuous post, found on one of these blatantly anti-Israel "liberal" boards, reflects the huge amount of ignorance the antisemitic crowd brings to their venomous anti-Israel posture. The UN did create Palestine at the same time she established Israel. But five (or seven, or more - depends on how you choose to count the aggressors) Arab nations immediately invaded, destroying Palestine in their righteous quest to exterminate Israel and the Jews.

In the same vein, the bigoted ignorant decry the "apartheid" of Israel, when it is the Arab countries which tolerate no other beliefs but their own; you holler "war crimes" when Israel defends her population, which is NOT a war crime, but ignore the Arabs firing 8,000 rockets at civilians, which IS a war crime; you ignore the terror bombings of Israeli civilians, which IS a war crime; and you pretend that the Arabs don't take and torture hostages, keeping them from the Red Cross and any international contact, which IS a war crime. You protest Israel's control of traffic in and out of Gaza - a response to terror which is permitted under international law, but never complain about the Arab terror which precipitates the Israeli blockades - and that IS a war crime. Indeed, Israel is OBLIGATED under international law to protect her citizens against the onslaught of foreign terror. If she is to be faulted at all, it is for acting too slowly, and with too little force, in protecting her populace. You lie about the need for humanitarian aid (though I'm not suggesting that life in Gaza is wonderful), misrepresent the Arab exodus from what is now Israel by ignoring the fact that more Jews were forced penniless out of Arab countries than Arabs fled Israel - and you never voice any sense of injustice at that fact, nor do you express dismay at the injustice of the failure of the UN to provide any assistance whatsover to those fleeing Jews, while they have supported the Arabs and their descendents for 60 years. You ignore the fact that Jews, Muslims, Druse, Christians, Samaritans, etc. live together if not in total tranquility, at least in a semblance of peace within Israel - certainly more peacefully than Detroit is - yet the Christians, Copts, and even minority Muslims are horribly persecuted in many of the 57 Muslim-dominated countries of the OIC. You ignore the rapidly shrinking Christian populations in the Palestinian Territories and Lebanon as those victims of Arab violence flee to safer havens elsewhere to escape their virulently intolerant Islamic neighbors. 200,000 Christians were recently butchered in "moderate" Indonesia", Northern Africa is alight with Islamic murder and slavery of Christians and Animists, yet you harp on that the tiny - miniscule, actually - cultural oasis of Israel "persecuting" the huge, troglodyte Arab populations surrounding her.

This is a case of the mind being led by the emotions, searching for and finding abusive lies with which to justify irrational antipathy to Israel. Even if those of you who drool hatred for Israel actually investigated what you are talking about, I'm not sure your pathological hostility would permit you to recognize the truth of Israel's unique righteousness in this cause. Sure, there are jerks in Israel, Israelis make mistakes, too, just like normal people. But they are a nation of laws. Evil is rejected, punished when caught, and vigorously opposed by an outraged, thoroughly democratic, and massively humanistic public. Israel's popluation was forged in the fires of European & Middle-Eastern antisemitism. Israelis are trying desperately to maintain a fair country in a region which is openly living in the 12'th Century. Give the Israelis a break. Correct the false propaganda you spew so relentlessly. Investigate just how viciously inaccurate that garbage you spout is. Look at what is really going on instead of regurgitating Arab lies. Compare the life of Muslims in Israel to the life of Jews (or women, or Christians) in the 57 Arab countries (hint: start with Saudi Arabia for an archetypical example of what I'm talking about). Show me one of those 57 countries where the Muslims offer a fair court system, where a person of any religious or ethnic creed can receive a fair hearing, or even bear witness. Then look at Israel, where Arabs frequently sue - and WIN - against neighbors and even the government.

Israel is not perfect - far from it. But Israel is a far better place to live - were it not for the oil-dependent countries all around the world determined to kill her population in support of their economies. The Arab irredentist doctrine is the root of all the lies which flow against Israel. Their faith requires, according to preachings around the world, that Allah must regain rule over all lands Muslims ever have conquered. After that, they must bring the One True Faith to the rest of the world, along with the repressive Shari'a law that chops off hands of shoplifters and stones women for being unveiled in public, murders women for being seen by non-related males, and says that we will all be blessed when Allah is brought to us by the sword. Something for you fanatics to look forward to, this liberation you're preaching.

There is additional irony in Arab countries not even a hundred years old telling the world that they will not accept a 60-year-old upstart non-Islamic country in their midst, despite the fact that the Palestinian territory has not been an independent country since Rome conquered it from the Jews 2,000 years ago. Now Israel has been returned to sovereignty by that dedicated body of world peace, the United Nations, yet the UN has created and continues to support the Arab camps that perpetuate anti-Israel and anti-Western violence. Oil potentates manipulate the UN, and fearful, desperate oil-consumer nations ensure that displaced Arabs will to not establish a real life and a functioning economic system. Meantime, all the Jews displaced from their hostile Arab residences have long since gone on to re-establishing new existences no thanks to the UN. We have been paying the UN to keep Arab souls on the dole for 60 years - the only place in the world where refugees have not been resettled. That's 3/4 of a million people out of 200 million refugees last century. Why do you suppose this blight is encouraged? Because the Arab governments use this human displacement as photo opportunities, a potent weapon in their determined quest to overthrow Israel and kill the Jews, their first step toward world submission to Allah. That's pretty simple, and as direct as anyone can make it. All the other blather you hear is generally fabrication. False "facts" are overwhelmingly relied upon as justification for anti-Israel sentiments. Know the truth, and the truth will set Israel free.

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