17 September 2015

Today I suffered two clever email attacks attempting to steal information from me for no-doubt nefarious ends. And I received a notification that the Quakers have embarked on a new nefarious project to complete Hitler’s final solution, nefariously disguised as a noble endeavor to help jailed children who tried to kill others - the Quakers nefariously leave that last important fact out of their deceptive message because it might detract from the motions they hope to trigger to further this nefarious cause. Yep, I repeated the word “nefarious” several times. I want to refocus this discussion on the disguise the Quakers and their various terrorist allies utilize which purports to accomplish one thing but which is actually conceived to accomplish something quite different. The email scams and the Quaker scam are two sides of the same slick coin. Nefarious villainy, disguised as something else.

While the thieves are only trying to steal my money, the Quakers are stealing something far more valuable by adopting and amplifying the misleading narrative of long-term terrorist cultures. They are stealing reality, and in the process threatening the lives of the innocent Israelis who have in fact been the victims of Mohammedan aggressor culture in this long-running conflict, but who have been recast as villains by a clever, fabricated marketing campaign conducted by the Palestinian millionaires who have been stealing the non-Islamic-sourced aid the world has been sending their population ever since they first refused to make peace with Israel.

Some will resent my depiction of Arab culture as terrorist. If so, they need to pay just a tad more attention to the fact that throughout the terrorist world there are summer camps to teach kids terrorism from as early as they can crawl; there are schools whose principal lessons include important terrorist values as soon as the kids can comprehend, religious institutions which preach terror and dominance theology to everyone, adult and child. Streets and stadia are named for honored terrorists, payments not stolen by PLO and other terrorist leaders nor diverted to works of violence are passed on as permanent tribute to the families of “martyred” terrorists, and the news and entertainment media have been seduced (or threatened - same outcome even if a different dynamic) to slant their reports in every way to misrepresent the history and the ongoing source of incentive of this conflict. Fauxtography is rampant. Over and over again, falsified pictures purporting to reveal Israeli abuse are shown to be phony, yet people keep lapping that deception up. Indeed, obvious Photoshopped pictures and other misrepresentative displays of photos remain posted all over the internet even after being clearly shown to be false, manipulated, context altered, and generally just plain lies.

Why would the Quakers, well known for their otherwise quite noble moral stance, be so determined to help kill the Jews? Interesting question. Why would anybody? Quakers have no monopoly on righteousness. Or on self-righteousness, when it comes to that. Nor on ignorance, either. ISIL claims to be saving the world as they run about beheading anyone who suits their convictions. And the history of Western righteousness includes two millenia of antisemitic violence, spasms of self-righteousness by Christians who seem to have missed Jesus' most fundamental teachings. Almost birds of a feather when it comes to morality, even if Quakers will leave the execution (very appropriate verb here) of the consequences of their misdeeds to others.

 Injustice has many fathers. But, as the old Yiddish saying goes, "It's a wise child who knows his own father." Clever misdirection and sly deception can and does easily lead the uninformed to misattribute cause when the effects are bad. Very simple current example: the baby found face down on the beach "fleeing oppression" turns out to have been repositioned there by his father for a better photo opportunity. And the father turns out to have been the captain of the illegal refugee vessel rather than the heroic innocent victim. And he was fleeing from Turkey, as it turns out, not directly from Syria, as was reported. He needed dental work, and was reported to be carrying thousands of dollars as a result of his actions. The kid was just another victim of the need for graphic martyrs, though I don't begin to suggest that this was deliberate murder. It just was the opportunistic restructuring of the narrative to ensure greatest benefit from least truth. We are predominantly emotional, not rational creatures, so certain kinds of pain are intensely productive. Conversely, there are lots of times when real evil goes unnoticed, even admired. The world is not a fair place (UN anyone?), and we Jews need to recognize that it is unlikely to change for the better any time soon. While we aren’t the only people to be abused by reality, we certainly have more reason than most to be wary of it.

 TR's lesson doesn't apply to us. Speak loudly, repeatedly, effectively, and carry a very big stick.