20 May 2014

Brandeis's latest defeat

I am mystified by the absence of even a hint of speculation regarding the possibility of sinister forces which could have been the undisclosed but animating incentive for the sudden swerve of Brandeis’s President Lawrence & his disinvitation of Hirsi Ali. For all the distractions which have passed for explanation, none is convincing or even very plausible, since each excuse brings with it numerous contradictions in the form of honors bestowed upon other controversial public figures who elicited similar protests but whose indignant critics were ineffective in altering the commitment of Brandeis to bestow the honor being protested. Though to be fair, Political Correctness does seem to expunge consistency and reason in the elevated precincts of academia.

So let’s hypothesize for a minute. What might possibly occur in the prevailing universe of current world discourse that could so rapidly & powerfully inhibit Brandeis’s leaders, yet require them to dissemble rather than admit such actual motivator? Well, one thing that comes to mind is Mohammedan Jihad. Think 9/11, The Marathon Bombings, the murder of Theo Van Gogh (Hirsi Ali’s colleague), repeated murderous attacks on the Danish Mohammed cartoonists, credible death threats against Salman Rushdie, death threats against South Park and their resultant submission (that’s what “Islam” means, by the way, though not exactly in this context), Yale’s sudden reversal regarding publication of a potentially Islamically-controversial book. And how about the death threats against Molly Norris and her consequent name change and flight into hiding at the encouragement of the FBI. Or Al Qaeda's “Inspire” magazine, featuring 12 individuals in a pictorial spread entitled "Wanted: Dead or Alive for Crimes Against Islam," and captioned, "Yes We Can: A Bullet A Day Keeps the Infidel Away." Such constant, chronic, and very credible threats to violently punish anyone who even contemplates criticism of Islam or who merely engages in humor or creates fiction with Mohammedan reference suggests that there is much more going on in education-land than the camouflaged tripe which has been reported.

Impassioned threats generally trump reasoned discourse. Therefore sincere and well-reasoned protests against the likes of Kushner’s honor by Brandeis were ignored since they had no likelihood of violent enforcement.  But direct or even merely implied threats by the Mohammedan community, due to their strong credibility, would elicit prompt compliance  and meek, unconvincing apologias so as to not appear to be the capitulation which they really represent.

It is fascinating, though dismaying, to notice that when angry Jews spray paint their vengeance on walls, they are christened (islamed?) “Islamophobic Jewish terrorists” by a media with little sense of proportion and no self-consciousness of the contextual irony. Yet when Mohammedans stab, shoot, and blow up Jews qua Jews, the press views the murderers as “freedom fighters”, sympathizes with them, yet refuses to identify their religious affiliation, identity, motivation, or any of those other factors with which the press has no reluctance to tarnish Jews engaged in far less violent acts of rage. Mohammedan murderers are freedom fighters? Freedom from what? Freedom from accepting modern values such as the sanctity of human life? Or perhaps from freedom of religion? Of speech? Or gender bias? Freedom to kill anyone with whom your Imam says you should disagree?

It has to be considered that the same threats which have altered the behavior of Yale and  so many others have provided substantial incentive, driving Lawrence to submit. Of course, if that is the case, then we are all poorer because each individual victory for Mohammedan fundamentalism over Western emancipation represents a retreat to 8'th Century cultural values, surrendering the Enlightenment and granting  additional dominance to Mohammedan troglodytes in their unceasing quest for the imposition of retrograde Shari’a dominance over the entire world. This should be unacceptable to all. Yet the substantial damage represented by this social transformation seems to have escaped most public comment. We now live with the Politically Correct notion that we can discuss and even joke about other religions, but any hint of critique regarding Mohammedanism is de facto Islamophobia. Madre del Dios, Gott in Himmel, Praise be to Allah, we are complicit in our own self-abnegation.