10 August 2006

UN - Agent For Genocide, Agency Of Allah

Helena Cobban, in her recent opinion piece in the Christian Science Monitor, elides past the one missing element in the endless quest for a Middle-East peace. She states: "...comprehensive peace between Israel and all its neighbors may look ambitious, but it is certainly quite doable..." and then "...clear majorities of citizens in Israel and neighboring Arab communities all expressed support for such an outcome..." To achieve peace, you can't just SAY that people want it. People NEED to want it, and the Islamic neighbors she attributes such a desire to have no interest in any peace other than one imposed under the next Caliphate. Making up a statistic, that is that the Arab communities support peace, doesn't make that a reality, nor does it in any way facilitate that desirable enthusiasm for peace. The truth is that among all the confrontation states, only Israel wants peace, and unless she remains strong and vigilant she is unlikely to be able to remain intact nor will she likely have peaceful borders, because her Islamic neighbors are still living in the 12'th century, with all the demagogic and atavistic prejudices and practices such retrograde existence implies.

Then, too, Ms. Cobban looks to the UN plan as though the UN has proved itself capable of doing anything constructive anywhere in the world. The UN did nothing about the Cambodian massacres, the Rwandan massacres, the Indonesian massacres, etc., and has been a major part of the problem in the Middle East, being comprised as it is of 57 Muslim nations and endless oil-dependent allies in its august, democratic, institutional bodies while there is only one Israel to vote reliably against those heavily-biased enemies of democracy and freedom. Further, the UN has shown itself allied with the violent terrorist organizations, lending its soldiers and equipment to kill and kidnap Israelis. Yet further, the UN - using our money - has spent the past 60 years continuing welfare programs whose function is to keep Arabs festering in camps, to continue the incitement of families who are not permitted, much less required, to create local economies and who thus cannot get on with building a normal society and leading a normal life. This is the only refugee population in the world in the last century, .075% of all refugees created in that century, which has been kept unassimilated in their new location. Such action deliberately adds further to the instability of the region, and has been calculatedly continued so as to function as an additional instrument of war against Israel. Ironically, we have found welfare to be counter-productive to engendering fulfilling lives in the US, and have altered our welfare laws to encourage people to engage in more productive and satisfying personal life, yet we continue to support clearly counter-productive practices - and to pay for those practices with funds that would be much better applied to remediation of problems rather than to the continued incubation of problems.

Ms. Cobban's optimistic outlook would be great were it to have some basis in reality. Unfortunately, the reality is exactly opposite, unambiguously articulated by the Iranian President. Violent hostility to dhimmis (infidels, untermentschen) and especially to Jews is cleverly nurtured and widely held throughout the troglodyte Islamic states. This unfortunate and bellicose attitude originates in Koranic interpretation, is amplified by a highly audible and widely respected clerical system which keeps the pot boiling in Islamic countries, and has been thus far used to isolate Israel and keep her population under threat of frequent death and destruction while Muslims work toward a new Final Solution in which the Arabs fulfill their dream of a 12'th Caliphate. If you listen to Ahmadinejad you should be terrified of what the Islamic world is capable of fantasyzing instead of yourself fantasyzing that the Islamic world wants peace. But if you are living in a fantasy world, then it's nice to at least hallucinate that there is a whole body of peace-loving Arab countries just awaiting the effective and efficient administration of the United Nations to bring world peace to us all.