11 February 2006

Too many Westerners have problems addressing Middle East issues accurately in our culture governed by stringent and totally irrational Political Correctness. Arab irredentism, liturgical violence, and general atavistic enthusiasm is regarded as quaint and appealing by people working very hard to redefine 'liberal' to mean, among other things, support of Muslim demands no matter how objectionable and no matter how vicious, violent, and antagonistic to modern values. Such "Liberals" simultaneously and reflexively reject any corresponding Christian interests no matter how reasonable and embracing of modernity they may be. Those "liberals" seem especially devoted to a worship of inaccuracy, imbalance, and intellectual dishonesty whenever Israel is involved in any international showcase, though other cultures and countries (except the US) generally get a pass under similar or identical circumstances. Why should I be surprised? Things haven't changed much in the last 60 years. Or, if you happen to be an Arab woman, in the last 600.

It's vitally important to repeatedly expose the lies and deceptions of those violent enemies of modernity, for their goal is not just the elimination of Israel and the death of all Jews (that has a familiar ring, doesn't it?). They also are determined to bless us all with their conquest of our immoral societies, and intend to allow us the privilege of living fully under Sharia law whether we like it or not. If people would just wake up, they might discover that their own self-interest is heavily entwined with Israel's.